Mad Moms Unite

Mad Moms Unite

Friday, 21 May 2010


I have Jeremy Kyle on in the background as I am working.... well unbeliveable, these people are nuts.... I do believe I am totally sane after watching these freaks.

Why would you want the world to know about your mother taking drugs, your boyfriend sleeping with your mother, whose baby is it?? Jesus, get a life..... I cannot believe that the TV Channel actually pay for this tripe to be on out TV's and pay Jeremy Kyle for shouting at them all. We could all do his job, if given half the chance.

They get DNA tests for FREE, lie detectors, counselling and God only knows what else, I wonder who is paying for all that.

Do these people not know that they are just exposing and embarrassing themselves in front on millions of people. Surely we could put something better on in the mornings. Come on Eamon and Ruth at least they talk some sense, not that I watch telly all day.... it's just on in the background.

Enough ranting and back to work. Laurie x

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